Thursday, 10 August 2017

Be Lifted

The hour has come when the Son of Man is lifted up
He is received up to heaven in victory
And seated in the right hand of Father
People from far and wide see this enlightening ray
That filled the Earth from the love of his grace

Holy hands are lifted up
Meek and poor rise up to soar
To tell the world of this majestic ray
That comes and swallows the chains of death

Mightier and mightier stands he at the gates
And Judgment follows at his call
Ever and ever he will be named
A name higher than any other name

What is this shout of alarming cry?
Is this not the mighty power making the dead arise?
The song that still sings and worship shall still speaks of wonders
How unspeakable is the hour of praise?
When the congregation lifts up his name to pray

Thursday, 3 August 2017


The hour is falling, time is running
The air is breathing and makes you breathe
You watch the sky and see the sun setting at the horizon
The day that was yesterday is still today
The night that slept might arouse you tomorrow

This life has seen many things
Under the sun, it has tasted and enjoyed every deep within

Still the hour is ticking and then you pick your toes
Even after ages of walk, you are on your feet for a go
You step again with the same old face
You are after your smile that once brought joy
Over the bridges and cold thin wind
What makes you love this stubborn air?

Where do you see your lifeline ending?
When is the day that you started running?
Out of your hard old self, you find a new life beginning with sorry

There is still time, you are sitting on your chair
Counting your end, how far it is yet to take?
Trying to make sure everything around is bright and well

Things that surrounds you; will you let them go
Will you stay still to catch the next hour of snow
It seems your lifeline is waiting

To watch you return to a new world of hope