Tuesday, 12 January 2016

life changing activity

this is true that we are living in a present world where we see many unseen things happening with our lives.. its a force of attraction that brings us to live.. mixed with feelings emotions .. we all go with our wishes and dreams.. and final to reach our destination.  this is a mere things that despite of many hurdles we face.. we desire to live.. money is a outward scenario.. money brings excitements, happiness.. even pleasure.. trying to get into this bottom.. where god.  is we are travelling with time and space.. trying to find the truth.. we watch ourselves cut off from the world. we see dreams.. that dream big.. put in hand thumb.. this meaning seems quite uneasy.. suffocated.. but see how god works with your life.. try to examine your daily life and situation.. try to hold unto your truth to find your daily expectancy.. our life is all about knowing the truth in us.. a way to find heavenly kingdom.. this balance that reflects in us.. when we see mirror and know our true form.. that's in bible..
emotions leads to destruction.. can you imagine.. why a continuous language is spreading.. just for example english.. an official language meant for common good.. and well being of people.. bible is given to show us a way.. to live life for god.. not just rule sand regulations.. but obeying god's word.. just try to find the truth in you.. any means that can change your life all of a sudden. there are many magnificent things around you.. miracles is working everyday.

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